Part Two: Maximize Connections

Oct 28, 2021 | Industry Updates

It’s the first week of November, and the holiday season is about to be in full swing! Your advertisers will be competing with other businesses for the attention of consumers to provide products and services in time for family celebrations and friendly gatherings. Ensuring the ads that customers see are relevant, relatable, and eye-catching is important to pull them in. Check out these tips from Google Ads and our AdVantage recommendations to set your advertisers up for success.

All of the following statistics are taken from the Think Google guide linked below.

Method #2: Maximize Connections Using All Your Assets

Do you ever find yourself looking for a specific product in a sea of ads? Do you see throw pillows popping up when you’re searching for a throw blanket? Conveniently finding what you’re looking for is a great feeling, but navigating unrelated ads is not.

  • Creating ad groups that organize your offerings into specific categories and themes will ensure that your ads are placed in relevant spaces.


  • Create a variety of headlines, descriptions, and images to ensure that your business’ products are showcased in a meaningful way. Creating differences in your ads that support your established call to action in multiple formats will increase your opportunities for success.
    • AdVantage tip: Utilizing Automated Responsive Search Ads is a great way to test out different variations of headlines and ad text. The feature automatically generates RSAs and optimizes them for the combinations that are most effective.


  • Add photos to ads that make your customer’s products and services relatable! Ads using images of people perform over 30 percent better for their campaign goals than those that don’t.
    • AdVantage tip: Responsive Display Ads offer flexibility and maximize reach by allowing you to provide one set of display assets that are then re-packaged to fit any of the 20 display ad formats supported by GDN.


  • Represent all types of consumers – 64 percent of people say they take action on ads that they consider inclusive.


Check out part three of our miniseries next week entitled “Build Content for Smaller Screens” to learn how your advertisers can get the most out of their mobile advertising!

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