How to Make Sense of Ad Campaign Metrics

Every potential sale starts with a click; however, if we look beyond the click, there’s a goldmine of insights that can help guide your campaign’s success. In this guide, we’ll talk about the key ad campaign metrics that truly measure your ad success. It’s...

MatchCraft’s News Roundup: Industry News and Platform Updates

Welcome to MatchCraft’s News Roundup! In this blog, we’re here to help you stay in the know about the latest happenings in digital advertising. Let’s explore what’s new and exciting together. Industry News We’ve gathered up the important...

Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Digital Strategy

Spring has sprung—in more ways than one. That means now is the time to dust off your current digital campaign strategy and evaluate what is and is not working. In fact, it’s recommended to regularly review and refine your advertising efforts. In this guide,...